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Finding a quality personal trainer that is also a good fit for you and your goals can involve a bit of a search. One of the best and most simple places to start is by looking at the certifications and coaching credentials of the trainers you are considering hiring. In my experience, the more in-depth the process is for achieving the certification, the higher the quality is.
Higher-level personal training certifications are also ALL accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies or NCCA. This accreditation endorses the professionals who hold them with a base level of knowledge and skills to keep you safe and move you closer to your goals. Many online certifications are not endorsed by the NCCA and trainers holding these types of low-level credentials should not be entrusted with your health and wellness. Only the top ten of more than several dozen certification agencies are accredited, so it's a great place to start weeding out trainers who have not met higher standards for better serving and protecting their clients.
Whether choosing an online trainer or in-person coach, it is more than ok to ask for a copy of the training certification. This is the only way you can rest assured of the quality and expiration of the certificate. Most certifications in the fitness industry expire within two to four years and require the trainer to engage in continuing education to demonstrate their continued investment in serving their client’s needs.
Equally important when searching for a quality fitness coach who meets your needs is reading online reviews and speaking with references. While the trainer’s website may include reviews, these are likely to be only the shining references. It is a good sign if there are dozens of these testimonials. Another option is to ask the personal trainer for the names and contact information of satisfied and successful clients. This can be a further valuable tool if the coach can match references with specific needs you may have for your training. When speaking with past or current clients, some great questions to include are whether the instructor is or was professional, knowledgeable, punctual, caring, and prepared. Also, be sure to ask about specific examples of how the coach handles areas of concern for you.
Furthermore, it is imperative to get information straight from the horse's mouth when deciding if a trainer is right for you. Once you have a few potential candidates narrowed down, speaking with them individually will help you to better understand their training philosophy and coaching style. Be sure to choose one who you feel is genuinely interested in you as a person and prioritizes your safety and goals. Building this trust early will help you approach your experience with an open mind, making your success that much more likely.
By the same token, it will be worth your time to investigate each potential trainer’s education and work experience. If personalities are on equal levels, this knowledge will be the deal- breaker. Unfortunately, most personal trainers don’t last long so young and inexperienced ones are abundant out there. If you can find a coach who has continued to learn and gain experience for more than a decade, it will be much more likely that they have the answers to help you reach your health and fitness goals.
As you get closer to choosing the fitness professional that is right for you, be sure to also consider their level of professionalism concerning liability insurance and business forms that highlight their policies in writing. Insurance is a must-have check box and covering the business
side of training upfront shows they are serious and knowledgeable about the investment you are making with them.
One of the last items to consider when selecting your trainer is making sure their rates are compatible with your budget. What a trainer charges should be in line with their credentials and experience. If a trainer is on the low end of pricing in your area, this may seem like a “deal” but could also be a red flag for someone more concerned about gaining numbers of clients by being cheaper, than in providing their clients with exceptional service.
Taking the time to seek out a high-quality personal trainer with decades of experience, like Matt Hartsky at Transforming Strength in Laramie, Wyoming will pay off big time when it comes down to individual coaching that gets you the fitness results you're looking for.