Syntrax S-Chain Review (Syntrax Super Chain)


Today I’m going to talk to you about a new supplement that I’m experimenting with, and will walk you through everything I know about it, why am I using it and what results am I getting so far from using it, if there are any at all.

The supplement I’ll be talking about this time is called: “Syntrax S-Chain” and is advertised as being the next generation in BCAA pills and supplements claiming to be: “4x Stronger, ¼ the dose”.

I got the one with the 180 pills (90-180 servings per container, depends on how you use it), in a black Syntrax box. The pills are relatively big, bigger than biggest Animal PAK pill (read more about Animal PAK in my review here) and they smell funny (not necessarily bad, just a sour-like smell).

What's in it?

Each pill contains 500mg of Leucic Acid from Calcium Laucate (HICA), and considering its side, it’s easy to swallow.

I started using S-Chain about 3 weeks ago, and so far I did notice a few noticeable results:

First of all, I am no longer hungry during workouts: I get hungry a lot during workouts, even though I eat about 30 minutes before GYM and also take Adrenol8 to give myself that extra pump. Since I started taking S-Chain I just never get hungry in the GYM, and no, I haven’t made any other changes to my diet.

Also, I added a lot of weigh in my first chest workout after taking these pills, and as advertised – recovery was extremely quick and I wasn’t sour at all on the next day, even though I slept about 2 hours less than usual (noisy roommates).

On workout days I take one serving (1 pill) with breakfast right before hitting the GYM, then I take one serving (again, 1 pill) with my post-workout shake, and then I take one with my last meal 30 minutes before I got to bed. On no workout days I just take one in the morning and another one before going to bed.

All in all, Syntrax S Chain is a cool product, but I won’t invest money into it in exchange for better things such as protein powder or Creatine. If you feel like experimenting with supplements and got extra cash to invest in it, then by all means go and get the Syntrax S-Chain. But if you don’t, then nothing will happen if you won’t use it, it’s a nice supplement, but it won’t add “50 pounds of lean muscle mass” to your body or anything as such :)
